So cool that the cat would love them because a dog would’ve to animals are really good at each other taking care of each other.
They are so precious!

When Miro, a young cat, found a deer lounging on her doorstep, she was thrilled and couldn’t contain her excitement. On the other hand, the young deer ignored Miro, as if he didn’t exist.

The cat made the decision to do something to get the deer’s attention as a result. It was incredibly lovely and cute.

Looks like he checking if the young deer is alive, LOL!!!

It’s hard to see it not lift it’s head or move no matter what the kitten does.
The cat just wants a friend to play with!
Seeing two distinct creatures interact is amazing no matter what, but it is especially thrilling when one of them is a cat!

That’s so adorable 

Can’t believe the deer doesn’t move! Animals are more inclusive that humans
Certainly hope that fawn and it’s mom reconnected!

Please take care of it until the mother can be found
God Bless this Lovely Pussycat & Dear 

Watch this endearing video of a kitten and a baby deer getting acquainted.
We couldn’t get enough of the video since the cat’s reaction is priceless: 

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